WeAreDevelopers is one of the largest gatherings of developers in the world. We are very proud to participate this event in two weeks with our partner Alfresco. My colleagues Andrej Balukcic and Alexander Jakab will contribute a presentation about content, processes and the rise of bitcoin and blockchain. I talked to Andrej about the wild west of the new technologies, content management and Lamborghinis.
Andrej, you will be speaking at one of the largest software conferences. What does it feel like?
Absolutly amazing! It is my honor to speak together with Alexander Jakab. To me, WeAreDevelopers is one of the most exciting events for technology enthusiasts in 2018. The opening keynote of the conference will be held with no other than Steve Wozniak. How cool is that? „Meet your legends“, the organizers’ motto, fits perfectly when looking at the agenda. The venue is very impressive and the expected number of visitors is huge. I am really looking forward to it!
Hanging out with so many game changers for 3 days is very inspiring and I believe that the speakers will not fail to inspire us. Being part of this gathering of one of the biggest technology influencers with it-novum and our partner Alfresco is just fantastic. We will give an update on what the hot topics are that keep the rockstars of the „woodstock of developers“ awake all night in 2018. This event will be an unforgettable experience!
What does a Lamborghini have to do with IT?
The year 2017 saw the rising of the crypto-currency world. It was the most distracting topic for the whole IT-community. All of a sudden people who had invested a few hundred dollars in the early days of bitcoin and ethereum started to buy Lamborghinis (crypto slang: lambos). So the “lambo” (crypto slang) became the ultimate status symbol of crypto wealth.
The crypto lambo meme also stands for the current wild west period of blockchain technology-powered tokens. Besides the crazy high-speed of this new market it feels like a combination of the evolution of the financial sector and the formation of the it sector during the eighties. The atmosphere is marked by fear, uncertainty and doubt (FUD) on the one side and enthusiasm above any threshold on the other side. Everybody is joining the party and is becoming an investor. Fear of missing out (FOMO) drives the market to newer all-time highs, over and over again. The golden times for blockchain startups are here but since all early blockchain developers have become rich, the delivery of the promised goals will probably be more difficult than raising the money with an initial coin offering (ICO) for it.
This rollercoaster can be entertaining and fun but between all this maddness that this very young technology brings along, there lies a new movement of digitization and decentralization. This is the really exciting part. This is where blockchain starts to move the universe. It will probably change everyone’s life when mass adoption sets in.
At WeAreDevelopers world congress we will tell our own story of 2017 and talk about real-world artefacts such as customers, Lamborghinis, crypto tokens, web crawlers, AI, IOT and our own laziness leading to a genius generic strategy to conquer them all at once. Working with it-novum Alexander and I have a strong background in Enterprise Information Management and open source. For us, it´s interesting to see how technologies around processes, content and governance play along with the challenges of the crypto universe.
If you´re not hanging around at software conferences, what do you do?
I am a technical project manager, scrum master and requirements engineer. I work with software development leaders and their teams towards achieving high-quality solutions. The difficulties that leaders and developers have to face in everyday work is what drives me. I love to work on large software projects developed by large and distributed teams. It is this complexity where it becomes interesting. I love to be part of good teams becoming great. I am a team player who aims to awaken the passion in people and bring the team’s performance to the highest level. Going through the darkness of a project with genius to bring forth the light is what excites me.
In which ways do you work with Alfresco and BPM?
Enterprise software landscapes grow over decades. As they are business critical and highly integrated, it is mostly the major applications of enterprises that become legacy software over time. Through the outdated architectures they fail in nowadays quality assessments. This is especially true in the area of enterprise information management. Digital Transformation is accelerating the need for strong and accessible platforms that are flexible enough to meet the matured customer requirements. Here is where Alfresco’s Digital Business Platform finds its place. On these platforms we build and deliver enterprise applications together with our customers, mainly big companies from the public sector.
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